[Solira] [Fwd: [e-users] ANNOUNCE: ALPHA Release of core EFL]

Massimo Maiurana maiurana a gmail.com
Sab 21 Ago 2010 11:54:17 CEST

-------- Messaggio Originale  --------
Oggetto: [e-users] ANNOUNCE: ALPHA Release of core EFL
Data: Sat, 21 Aug 2010 13:02:43 +1000
Da: Carsten Haitzler (The Rasterman) <raster a rasterman.com>
Organizzazione: You expect me to be organized?
A: e-users <enlightenment-users a lists.sourceforge.net>, e
<enlightenment-devel a lists.sourceforge.net>

Several core EFL libraries have now been released as alpha. This means the API
is "good to go", but there may be bugs. The focus is on fixing bugs now and
keeping API stable for a full release once bugs are gone. You can get the alpha
releases of Eina, Eet, Evas, Ecore, Embryo, Edje, Efreet, E_Dbus and Eeze from:


You can also get the above libraries in their alpha state if you check out SVN
revision 51480. The following libraries are in alpha state for the following

    * Eina - 1.0.0 ALPHA
    * Eet - 1.4.0 ALPHA
    * Evas - 1.0.0 ALPHA
    * Eina - 1.0.0 ALPHA
    * Embryo - 1.0.0 ALPHA
    * Edje - 1.0.0 ALPHA
    * E_Dbus - 1.0.0 ALPHA
    * Eina - 1.0.0 ALPHA
    * Eeze - 1.0.0 ALPHA


    Massimo Maiurana      massimo<at>ragusa.linux.it
    http://massimo.solira.org    GPG keyID #7044D601

    Creare l'uomo  fu un'idea bizzarra  e originale,
    ma  aggiungere  la  pecora  fu  una  tautologia.
                  [Mark Twain]

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