[Solira] La quiete dopo la tempesta...
Emilio Pavia
emix a solira.org
Gio 13 Mar 2008 21:21:07 CET
Il giorno 13/mar/08, alle ore 19:40, Massimo Maiurana ha scritto:
> non ho ancora deciso se prendere queste mail come provocazione
> gratuita
Prenditela con Planet Gnome:
Cito testualmente:
"I just watched the presentation on the Microsoft Office ribbon that
Miguel pointed to earlier and I have to agree with him that it’s a
great presentation on application design methodology, well worth
watching. There a related series of articles on the UI design in
Jensen Harris’s blog which is also worth reading (at least, so far)."
E ancora:
"Some amazing stuff in the article in particular was the amount of
data collection they have done over the years - millions of clicks and
keystrokes, yielding some surprising results that reinforce once more
the lesson “we are not our users” (striking example: 80% of people
save by clicking the floppy disk in the toolbar, only 20% of saves
happen with the Ctrl-S keystroke)."
Mi sembrava giusto segnalare un articolo che condividevo, trovato sul
blog di uno dei pił grandi esponenti del progetto Gnome (Miguel de
Icaza). Sottolineerei soprattutto la frase “we are not our users”,
dedicata a tutti gli sviluppatori di free software.
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